The challenge is pretty easy to identify. Not so easy to resolve.
GenX’ers are not joining professional associations and community-service organizations in anywhere near the percentages that other generations are doing. They’re not attending business conferences and consumer shows in the same high percentages as other generations. On top of that, this generation is significantly smaller in number than the older Boomers and younger Millennials.
Why? What happened? And importantly, what – if anything – can be done with Generational Event Strategy and Generational Membership Strategy to simultaneously (1) lure X’ers and (2) make certain your organization doesn’t miss with the younger Millennials?
There’s no right or wrong here, by the way. Different formative years for one generation mean different core values for that generation. Different core values mean different decisions about “joining”, volunteering, giving.
Chuck Underwood managed a massive research study for the international trade-show association. Its findings clarified many generational differences, as well as opportunities for associations and events to use Generational Strategy to enhance membership, attendance, and participation.
Chuck says: “When you examine the all-important formative years of X’ers and learn how different they were from the formative years of ALL other generations, you begin to appreciate how unique a generation they really are. Proprietary generational research might be timely to help you to identify solutions to lagging membership and attendance and donations from this generation, and it can help you to seize the opportunity that awaits you with the Millennials. In addition to generational research, a training program in Generational Marketing Strategy will get you into the heads of the generations and give you the tools you need to strengthen your organization’s standing with each one.”
To contact TGI about Generational Marketplace Strategy:
PH: 937.247.1123 (Ohio)