“The most exciting, interesting, thought-provoking, and enjoyable presentation that I have had the pleasure to experience.”


U. S. Army – Dept. of Morale, Welfare & Recreation

“I have the attention span of a gnat. However, this presentation was one of the best and most captivating I have ever attended.”

Seaside, OR

Oregon Department Of Transportation

“I am blown away – I could have listened all day. Excellent!”

Florida Public Relations Association

“Enlightening, insightful, profoundly pertinent to both professional and personal life! Thank you!”


Jewish Community Centers Of North America

Is a “home-run” keynote speech for your event not quite good enough?

Need a Grand Slam? A keynote that will directly involve every member of your audience?

Want your audience to laugh, learn, remember, get a lump in their throat and tear in their eye, and talk about it for the rest of their lives?

The testimonial comments above – and below – say it all about a Chuck Underwood keynote:


“Quite possibly the greatest presentation I have ever experienced.”
Orlando – Veterans Healthcare Administration Leadership Development Institute


“I could listen to him all day.”
Columbus – Ohio Cable Television Association


“Better than excellent.”
Denver – paid-admission event


“Best session I’ve ever attended at ANY conference – awesome! Captivating!”
Chicago – Council for Advancement & Support of Higher Education


“I thought Underwood’s presentation was phenomenal! He spoke to the professionals in the audience, as well as us students. Everyone in the audience could relate to what he was speaking about. He spoke in layman’s terms instead of using heavy professional lingo.”
Indianapolis – Hoosier Chapter, Public Relations Society Of America


“Loved this one. Has Mr. Underwood been hiding in my house? I related to, was amused by, and learned from this fascinating, innovative framework. Would go to another one with Mr. Underwood any time.”
Chicago – National Behavioral Healthcare Conference, hosted by Joint Commission Resources


“Your presentation was phenomenal.”
Orlando – American Society Of Association Executives


“Chuck Underwood was a phenomenal presenter. The topic is so interesting & relevant.”
Denver – Longmont Community Foundation


“He rocked my boat.”
New York – Macy’s, Inc.


“Fantastic! Chuck knows his subject firsthand. He’s dedicated to what he does and it communicates to the audience.”
Saratoga Springs – New York Press Association


“Buzz of the Conference.”
San Francisco –American Society Of Foundation Engineers


“Like no other speaker, you created a “BUZZ” among the attendees discussing your remarks. You have given all of us much to consider.”
Indianapolis – Edision Electric Institute


“Entertaining and informative. Charismatic speaker.”
Philadelphia – Professional Convention Management Association


“Fabulous visuals! Well presented, handout easy to follow, Chuck is well-spoken, articulate, and possesses all the qualities of a well-versed public speaker.”
Las Vegas – Credit Union National Association


A frequent written evaluation by individual audience members coast-to-coast

To contact TGI about Generational Marketplace Strategy:

EM: chuck@genimperative.com

PH: 937.247.1123 (Ohio)